Full System Modernization

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Go beyond screen scraping for truly modern applications

Profound UI Modernization and Development Tool for IBM i

If you want to modernize your business’s green-screen applications, but you have a large number of display files, full-system modernization is the answer. This solution combines modules from the Profound UI suite that enable you to go beyond "screen-scraping" to achieve true application modernization.



How it works:

  • The DDS Conversion Tool automates the conversion of DDS source files to Rich Display files – native IBM i objects that fully support Web browser interfaces. All ties to the 5250 character-based protocol will be eliminated and replaced with a rich user interface.
  • The RPG OA Handler outputs traditional RPG display operations for rich displays, meaning that you can code RPG in your accustomed manner, and the application will display in Web and mobile browsers.
  • The Profound UI Visual Designer provides a graphical, drag-and drop environment to build Web and mobile applications. It supplies over one-hundred rich Web and mobile widgets that add incredible functionality to your applications, without the need to learn HTML or CSS.
  • With Genie, you will be able to modernize and integrate any applications that are  missing their source code. Additionally, it supports single sign-on mechanisms, like Kerberos, and modernizes any CL programs that use display files.
  • Atrium replaces inefficient green-screen menus with modern, customizable, drop-down, tabbed and accordion menus that let users quickly get to the information they need.
We also offer a Mass Conversion Service to automate the transition from 5250 displays to Rich Display Files. Learn more >
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