DDS Conversion

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Cut the ties to 5250 for truly modern IBM i applications

Cut the ties to 5250 with DDS Conversion

Included in the Profound UI suite is a Green-screen DDS Conversion tool. Using its automated process, you can quickly convert your green-screen DDS source files into DDS source for Rich Display Files. Rich Display Files are native IBM i objects that fully support a robust browser interface. They can be maintained through Profound UI's versatile visual design tool.

With this process, you will completely eliminate all ties to the old 5250 character-based protocol for presenting your applications. Your original RPG programs are simply recompiled over the rich user interface definition stored in the new Rich Display Files. 


DDS Conversion Benefits

True Modernization
Many IBM i application modernization tools claim to create true Web applications, when in actuality they are offering a tool to screen scrape your 5250 displays. With the Profound UI DDS Conversion tool, you take your applications beyond simple screen scraping and capable of providing robust Web 2.0 capabilities.

Advanced Applications
By converting your DDS code to Rich Display Files, you can add powerful functionality to your applications that aren't possible with screen scraping.  Your applications will be able to support capabilities like scrolling, dynamic images, and drag-and-drop sections, to name a few. 

Automated Process
Profound UI makes it easy to convert your DDS to Rich Display files. You can create and apply your theme (fonts, colors, etc.) to multiple display files from the Visual Designer tool. If you have a large amount of display files that need to be converted, you can also take advantage of our Mass Conversion services.


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