RPGsp Functions
RPGsp extends
the ILE RPG language by providing a set of new functions or subprocedures
that simplify browser application development. These functions encapsulate the
CGI layer and provide a straightforward interface for managing browser input
and output.
RPGsp Function | Description |
IIf | Returns one of two parts based on a condition. |
QCMDEXC | Executes an OS/400 command. |
RPGspClear | Clears the HTML buffer. |
RPGspClearOvr | Clears the overlay buffer. |
RPGspClearOvr2 | Clears the secondary overlay buffer. |
RPGspCookie | Saves a cookie to the end-user's computer. |
RPGspDone | Writes the page to the browser after all other code has executed. |
RPGspFileOut | Outputs an IFS file to the browser. |
RPGspGetInpBuf | Retrieves the current input buffer. |
RPGspGetMsg | Retrieves a message from a message file by message ID. |
RPGspGetPSId | Returns a unique persistence session id. |
RPGspGetQryStr | Returns the current query string. |
RPGspHTML | Outputs the static HTML portions of an RPGsp document. |
RPGspHTMLEncode | Encodes a string so that it can be displayed in a browser as text, instead of being interpreted as HTML code. |
RPGspIn | Receives browser input such as session variables, cookies, environment variables, query string parameters, or form entries. |
RPGspInclude | Inserts HTML code from an external HTML file. |
RPGspInit | RPGsp page initialization function. |
RPGspInitL | Performs various page initialization functions. |
RPGspInMult | Retrieves the value of a multiple occurrence form element. |
RPGspInUpper | Receives browser input and converts it to upper case. |
RPGspInVal | Receives browser input and converts it to a numeric value. |
RPGspIsMainProg | Determines if an RPGsp program is the first program in the call stack. |
RPGspNeedOutput | Determines if a persistent RPGsp page needs to output HTML to the browser. |
RPGspOut | Outputs html directly from an RPG script. |
RPGspOutputOvr | Outputs the HTML that is accumulated in the overlay buffer. |
RPGspOutputOvr2 | Outputs the HTML that is accumulated in the secondary overlay buffer. |
RPGspOverlay | Starts or stops the accumulation of HTML output into a buffer. |
RPGspOverlay2 | Starts or stops the accumulation of HTML output into a secondary buffer. |
RPGspRandom | Generates and returns a string of random digits. |
RPGspRcvMsg | Receives a program message from a message queue. |
RPGspRedirect | Redirects a client's browser to another URL. |
RPGspReInit | RPGsp page initialization function. |
RPGspRunQry | Embeds an query within an RPGsp page. |
RPGspSave | Saves a session variable. |
RPGspSessionId | Returns a unique session id. |
RPGspSetCntType | Sets the document's content type. |
RPGspSetHeader | Lets you send messages to the web server via the header of your page. |
RPGspSetInpBuf | Overrides the current input buffer. |
RPGspText2HTML | Converts multi-line text to HTML format. |
RPGspUpload | Uploads a local PC file to the iSeries IFS file system. |
RPGspUpper | Returns the specified character string converted to uppercase. |
RPGspURLEncode | Encodes a string so that it is safe to pass as a query string parameter. Special characters like slashes ('/') or equal signs ('=') are converted to hexadecimal. |
RPGspVal | Converts a character string to a numeric value. |
Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925