RPGsp Functions

extends the ILE RPG language by providing a set of new functions or subprocedures
that simplify browser application development. These functions encapsulate the CGI layer and provide a straightforward interface for managing browser input and output.

RPGsp Function Description
IIf Returns one of two parts based on a condition.
QCMDEXC Executes an OS/400 command.
RPGspClear Clears the HTML buffer.
RPGspClearOvr Clears the overlay buffer.
RPGspClearOvr2 Clears the secondary overlay buffer.
RPGspCookie Saves a cookie to the end-user's computer.
RPGspDone Writes the page to the browser after all other code has executed.
RPGspFileOut Outputs an IFS file to the browser.
RPGspGetInpBuf Retrieves the current input buffer.
RPGspGetMsg Retrieves a message from a message file by message ID.
RPGspGetPSId Returns a unique persistence session id.
RPGspGetQryStr Returns the current query string.
RPGspHTML Outputs the static HTML portions of an RPGsp document.
RPGspHTMLEncode Encodes a string so that it can be displayed in a browser as text, instead of being interpreted as HTML code.
RPGspIn Receives browser input such as session variables, cookies, environment variables, query string parameters, or form entries.
RPGspInclude Inserts HTML code from an external HTML file.
RPGspInit RPGsp page initialization function.
RPGspInitL Performs various page initialization functions.
RPGspInMult Retrieves the value of a multiple occurrence form element.
RPGspInUpper Receives browser input and converts it to upper case.
RPGspInVal Receives browser input and converts it to a numeric value.
RPGspIsMainProg Determines if an RPGsp program is the first program in the call stack.
RPGspNeedOutput Determines if a persistent RPGsp page needs to output HTML to the browser.
RPGspOut Outputs html directly from an RPG script.
RPGspOutputOvr Outputs the HTML that is accumulated in the overlay buffer.
RPGspOutputOvr2 Outputs the HTML that is accumulated in the secondary overlay buffer.
RPGspOverlay Starts or stops the accumulation of HTML output into a buffer.
RPGspOverlay2 Starts or stops the accumulation of HTML output into a secondary buffer.
RPGspRandom Generates and returns a string of random digits.
RPGspRcvMsg Receives a program message from a message queue.
RPGspRedirect Redirects a client's browser to another URL.
RPGspReInit RPGsp page initialization function.
RPGspRunQry Embeds an query within an RPGsp page.
RPGspSave Saves a session variable.
RPGspSessionId Returns a unique session id.
RPGspSetCntType Sets the document's content type.
RPGspSetHeader Lets you send messages to the web server via the header of your page.
RPGspSetInpBuf Overrides the current input buffer.
RPGspText2HTML Converts multi-line text to HTML format.
RPGspUpload Uploads a local PC file to the iSeries IFS file system.
RPGspUpper Returns the specified character string converted to uppercase.
RPGspURLEncode Encodes a string so that it is safe to pass as a query string parameter. Special characters like slashes ('/') or equal signs ('=') are converted to hexadecimal.
RPGspVal Converts a character string to a numeric value.


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925