RPGspUpper Function

Returns the specified character string converted to uppercase.


RPGspUpper(character string)

Part Description
character string Required. Any character string to be converted to uppercase.


RPGspUpper is often used when comparing user name or password strings.

If the string being passed to RPGspUpper contains no lowercase characters, the returned string will be identical to the passed string:

RPGspUpper('hello world') returns 'HELLO WORLD'.

RPGspUpper('Hello World') returns 'HELLO WORLD'.

RPGspUpper('HELLO WORLD') returns 'HELLO WORLD'.


The following is an example of an IF statement that uses RPGspUppper to make the password comparison case-insensitive:

     C                   If        RPGspUpper(RPGspIn('PWD')) = RPGspUpper(PASS)


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925