RPGspSetCntType Function

Sets the document's content type. Does not return a value.


RPGspSetCntType(content type)

Part Description
content type Required. A character string specifying the document's content type.


Content types determine the type of data that is returned to the client application. Browsers rely on content types to figure out how to display incoming data. By default, browsers expect to see HTML content, which is 'text/html'. But you can also return plain text ('text/plain') for example. You can also return binary data such as a PDF document: 'application/pdf'. Excel spreadsheets, word documents, and most other common file formats have their own content types. RPGspSetCntType can be used anywhere in the RPGsp page to change the content type. If RPGspSetCntType is not used, the content type will be 'text/html'.


The following line demonstrates how to use RPGspSetCntType:

     C                   CallP     RPGspSetCntType('text/plain')

See Also


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925