Edit Menu


Reverses the last editing change in code or design view. The Undo command reverses keystrokes, cut, paste, or clear actions, moving of text, indent or outdent, and replacement. The Undo command is disabled when there is nothing to undo. Switching views may reset the undo buffer. Shortcut: CTRL+Z


Reverses the last Undo command. Shortcut: CTRL+Y


Removes selected text, controls, or anything else that you can select in code or design view, to the Clipboard. Once you cut (or copy) something, you can paste it elsewhere in your application or in other applications. Shortcut: CTRL+X


Duplicates selected text, controls, or anything else that you can select in code or design view, and puts it on the Clipboard. Once you copy (or cut) something to the Clipboard, you can paste it elsewhere in your application or in other applications. Shortcut: CTRL+C or Ctrl-Insert


Takes cut or copied text, objects, controls, or anything that you can select from the Clipboard and places it at the insertion point. To place your selection on the Clipboard, use the Cut or Copy commands. Shortcut: CTRL+V or Shift-Insert


Removes selected text, objects, or anything else that you can select. If nothing is selected, the text or object at the insertion point is deleted. Shortcut: Delete

The Ctrl-Delete key will delete entire lines of code, which is useful in working with RPG source.

Select Line(s)

Selects an entire line based on cursor position, or extends an existing selection to cover entire lines of code. This option is often used for copying, moving, or deleting lines of RPGLE source code. Shortcut: Ctrl-L

Select All

Selects the entire document. This option is often used for copying, moving or deleting the entire contents of a document. Shortcut: Ctrl-A


Displays the Find dialog, which lets you search for text in either design or code view. Shortcut: Ctrl-F or Alt-F3

Find Next

Searches for another occurrence of the text last typed into the Find dialog box. Shortcut: F3


Searches for and replaces specified text in code view by displaying the Replace dialog. Shortcut: Ctrl-H

Go To Line

Displays the Go To Line dialog, allowing to quickly jump to any line of code by specifying its line number. Shortcut: Ctrl-G


Contains options for recording, saving, playing, and removing macros. See Using Macros.


Contains options for adding, removing, and navigating through bookmarks in your document.


Displays a dialog that breaks up a line of ILE RPG code into its components. The type of dialog presented is dependent on the type of ILE RPG specification. The dialog allows for an easier method of modifying RPG code by demonstrating its syntax. The prompter works for both fixed and free format RPG. Shortcut: F4


Convert to Free

Converts the selected code from fixed to free format RPG. See Using the Fixed to Free Format Conversion Tool.

Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925