Profound Logic's RPGsp Gives Developers Double Vision

July 11, 2005 - Profound Logic is pleased to introduce the Split View Design and Coding Environment for RPGsp (RPG Smart Pages), its popular Rapid Web Development System. Split View further streamlines and simplifies RPGsp’s advanced visual designer.

Using Split View technology, a developer can view both the page layout and the underlying HTML/RPG code of a web application at the same time, a first in iSeries web development. Split View gives the developer ultimate control over HTML content, while at the same time providing an easy to use visual interface. It is no longer necessary to scroll through many lines of code to find a specific HTML element. Instead, the developer can simply click on the element in the design window, and the corresponding HTML tag will be highlighted in the code editor. HTML elements can either be modified manually with an advanced HTML-aware code editor or in a point-and-click manner by changing attributes in a graphical Properties window. Either way, the element is updated instantly in both design and code.

Split View increases productivity by putting all HTML tags and its attributes at the developer’s fingertips. "This one of a kind component reflects Profound Logic’s commitment to continuing product enhancement. In choosing RPGsp, our clients and partners can be assured that they will remain on the cutting edge of iSeries web development," said Alex Roytman, Chief Technical Officer at Profound Logic Software.

A fully functional trial of RPGsp is available for download at

For more information, contact:

Profound Logic Software, Inc.
370 Sentinel Oak Drive, Suite 200
Dayton, OH 45458
(937) 439-7925 phone
224-7768 toll free


About Profound Logic Software, Inc.

Profound Logic Software is a leading provider of application development tools for the iSeries (AS/400) platform. Established in 1999, Profound Logic started creating innovative programming tools that streamline the application development process. Profound Logic has also focused on providing excellent customer service to its clients. Today, Profound Logic Software enjoys thousands of software users in more than 50 different countries. Profound Logic offers its software along with related training, consulting, and support services.

About RPG Smart Pages (RPGsp)

RPGsp is the first Rapid Web Development Environment based on native ILE RPG. By integrating RPG business logic in an HTML interface, an RPG developer can produce powerful business applications faster than ever before. RPGsp is analogous to web technologies such as ASP or JSP, apart from the fact that all host logic is written exclusively in RPG, the most natural and efficient language for accessing data on the iSeries. Designed specifically for RPG developers, RPGsp is the perfect tool for creating graphical intranet-based iSeries Applications or for deploying Web Applications.

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