Toggling Detailed View

Because the RPGsp page designer is a WYSIWYG editor, certain HTML elements are not normally visible. By default, the designer displays only elements that you would see in a browser.

To make non-visible elements visible, you can select Detailed View on the View Menu or from the Toolbar (). This tells the page designer to display glyphs. A glyph is a small graphical character that marks the location of an element that has no visible component. This helps avoid inadvertently deleting invisible elements -- for example, by backspacing over them. Glyphs are treated the same as text as far as selection goes.

The following table lists available glyphs that the page designer can display.



HTML comment (<!-- through -->)

Beginning of style container (<DIV> tag)

End of style container (</DIV> tag)

Beginning of paragraph (<P> tag)

End of paragraph (</P> tag)

Beginning of span (<SPAN> tag)

End of span (</SPAN> tag)

Line break (<BR> tag)

Beginning of form (<FORM> tag)

End of form (<FORM> tag)

Script in the <BODY> portion of the document. This can include RPGLE scripts or client-side JavaScript blocks.

Style element (<STYLE>)

Anchor point for absolute text or RPG variable elements and for image elements that are aligned left or right (for example, <IMG ALIGN=RIGHT>). The glyph appears where the HTML tag defining the element is located in the HTML document.

Unrecognized HTML tags and unmatched ending tags


You can automatically enable Detailed View for every opened or new page on the HTML Designer Tab of the Options Dialog.


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925