Award-winning, stateless RPG application and web development tool
RPGsp (RPG Smart Pages) is an award-winning rapid Web development environment that has been proven and trusted by thousands of IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) users.
As of Profound UI 4.5, RPGsp is included as a module in the Profound UI Suite. Users now have a more complete modernization solution by having the ability to perform both stateful (with the Profound UI RPG Open Access Handler) and stateless (with RPGsp) development. RPGsp can be used with both a hand-coded HTML interface or a Dynamic HTML interface built using the Profound UI Visual Designer.
RPGsp features include:
Wizards, templates and code snippets to support ease of use and a short learning curve
Support for dynamic fields and data-driven components
Full support for JavaScript, CSS, HTML, RPG, CL as well as XML, AJAX, and Web services
A unique compile technology performs up to four times faster than other native CGI technologies
RPGsp Benefits
Stateless Development Because RPGsp supports stateless development, users can create Web pages and applications, like an E-Commerce site, that will be recognized by search engines (SEO).
Time-saving features RPGsp was the predecessor to the Profound UI modernization framework, and provides many time-saving features that enable RPG developers to reuse RPG assets and extend or create modern, Web-based applications.
Intelligent Code Editing and Design Tools RPGsp comes with an award winning code editor. It is full of helpful features such as HTML reformatting, fixed to free format conversion, intelligent prompting, code outlines, syntax highlighting, and context-sensitive help. It supports both Web and back-end languages, including JavaScript, CSS, HTML, RPG, CL, and DDS. In addition, you can visually inspect your application with our built-in HTML designer.
“Using RPGsp, we were able to deliver a completely browser-based, fully functional and integrated software system, complete with external website processing. It is an extremely robust tool which can be used to address the simplest to most complex business requirements.”