U - Underlined Text

Syntax <U>...</U>
Attribute Specifications
Contents Inline elements
Contained in Inline elements, block-level elements

The U element, deprecated in HTML 4.0, suggests that text be rendered as underlined text. In most cases, use of a phrase element such as CITE or STRONG is more appropriate since such elements express the meaning of the text more clearly.

Style sheets should be used to complement or replace instances of U. For example, replacing

<H1><U>My heading</U></H1>


<H1>My heading</H1>


H1 { text-decoration: underline }

in a style sheet allows the author to change the presentation of all H1 elements in an entire site by changing just one line in the style sheet.

More Information

HTML 4.0 Reference ~ Elements by Function ~ Elements Alphabetically

Copyright © 1998 by Liam Quinn. Packaged by Profound Logic Software, Inc. for inclusion in the RPGsp IDE (2004).