Working with files

While the RPGsp environment creates executable program objects on the iSeries Library system, its source files can go on one of three different types of file systems:

RPGsp is flexible in regards to how you manage the source code, which is beneficial when it comes to tasks like sharing files, emailing projects, or integrating with a change management package.

The source files, whether they are created by you or generated by the wizards, must explicitly be saved, or they will be lost when you close the IDE. You will have to make a choice about where to put the source code. The most common approach for .rpgsp files is to create a separate folder for RPGsp source code on the IFS. Another approach is to save source files on your development PC or your Local Area Network. You should not save .rpgsp files to the Library File System. Library Source Members are limited in line width and can truncate lines of HTML code in your .rpgsp files. Traditional RPGLE source files, on the other hand, should be saved to the iSeries Library System as source members.

Plain HTML files can be saved directly onto the RPG Smart Pages web or intranet site. This is done by placing the files into the RPGsp-defined web root folder on the IFS. By default this IFS folder is named /web/.

When saving files to the IFS or Local file system, an extension is usually appended to the end of the file name. The following are default file extensions:


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925