Starting and Stopping the HTTP Instance

This option allows you to start, stop, or restart the HTTP Server.

You should use this option after creating or making changes to the HTTP configuration directives. The server must be restarted in order for any HTTP configuration changes to take affect.

HTTP Instance Name

This is the name of the HTTP Server Instance. When the instance is started, you will see jobs by this name in the QHTTPSVR subsystem.


This ends the server instance and its jobs. The following is the manual OS/400 command for ending the HTTP server instance:


You should allow approximately 15 seconds for the server to end.

Start / Restart

This starts the server instance and its jobs. The following is the manual OS/400 command for starting the HTTP server instance:


You should allow approximately 15 seconds for the server to start.

When the HTTP server instance is started, you will see it as an active job on your iSeries system. You can use WRKACTJOB or WRKSBSJOB QHTTPSVR to find the appropriate HTTP server jobs. These commands are used often to investigate HTTP server issues and to debug RPGsp pages.


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925