Using the RPG toolbox section

The RPGsp toolbox includes a section that is helpful for editing RPG code.


The F icon inserts a file declaration line into RPG code. Click on the icon once to insert a blank F spec. Click on the down arrow for a list of file declaration code snippets.


The C icon inserts a calculation line into RPG code. Click on the icon once to insert a blank C spec.


The D icon inserts a field or data structure declaration line into RPG code. Click on the icon once to insert a blank D spec. Click on the down arrow for a list of declaration code snippets.


The /Free icon inserts a section of Free-Format RPG code, and places the cursor between the /Free and then /End-Free line.


The icon deletes the current line of RPG code. If multiple rows are selected, all selected lines are deleted.


duplicates a line of RPG code. If multiple rows are selected, all selected lines are duplicated.


splits an RPGLE script into 2 separate RPGLE scripts at the cursor, creating a section of HTML code between them.


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925