Code Outline Options

This tab allows you to set your preferences for the RPG-Alive Code Editing Features.


Outlining and Highlighting Options

Outline RPG

If checked, this option will match and outline Control statements like IF/ENDIF and DO/ENDDO in RPG code.

Outline Free-Format RPG

If this option is checked along with the "Outline RPG" option, the editor will match and outline control statements in /free format ILE RPG.

Mark Line Commands

If this option is checked, the editor will display an insertion arrow every time you copy or cut lines of RPG code. The insertion arrow demonstrates where the lines of code are to be inserted if you were to paste them.

Delimit Subs

If this option is checked, the editor will draw separation lines between the main body of code, subroutines, and subprocedures.

Highlight Comments

If checked, this option will highlight RPG comments in blue. A comment line is a line with an asterisk in the seventh position.


Outline Spacing

Determines the blank space, in pixels, between the lines drawn to outline the structure of source code. A smaller value will place the lines closer together. A higher value will place the lines farther apart. You may change this valued directly from the Code Editor by holding the Control Key and pressing the Plus or Minus Key on the Numeric Key Pad.

Small Spacing Large Spacing


Color Intensity

Determines the RGB intensity of the colors used by RPG-Alive. Higher intensity creates brighter colors. Here is an example:

Low Intensity High Intensity


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925