Coding Assistance Options
This dialog allows you to configure options for coding assistance in the RPGsp editor. To open this dialog, select Tools->Options from the menus, and select "Coding Assistance" in the navigation tree.
Assistance Options
Enable Auto-Complete
Determines whether to fill in the rest of an operation, keyword, built-in function, subprocedure, subroutine, field name, or record format name when you press the Ctrl-Space or Tab key.
RPG-Alive will try to find the closest alphabetical match for the operation, built-in function, or keyword that you try to auto-complete. For example, type 'ch' and press Ctrl-Space or Tab. RPG-Alive will complete the word Chain for you.
Or type 'z' and press Ctrl-Space or Tab. RPG-Alive will complete the word Z-Add for you. Then type '*z' and press Ctrl-Space or Tab another time. RPG-Alive will fill in *Zeros.
Certain operations have special shortcut abbreviations assigned to them. For example, the operations Move and MoveL are very close alphabetically. You would have to type out 'MoveL' every time you wanted to use it; or you could take advantage of the special shortcut 'ML'.
Similarly, use 'CB' for CallB.
'CP' for CallP
'CR' for CheckR
'ED' for EndDo
'EI' for EndIf
'MA' for MoveA
'RC' for ReadC
'RE' for ReadE
'RP' for ReadP
'RPE' for ReadPE
'SG' for SetGT
'SL' for SetLL
'TB' for TestB
'TN' for TestN
'TZ' for TestZ
In addition to auto-completing RPG operations, built-in functions, and special keywords, RPG-Alive has the ability to learn and auto-complete the names of procedures and subroutines. These names are learned from BegSr statements, procedure prototypes, and begin procedure lines. Suppose you have a subroutine named MainSub in your program. Simply type 'ExSr Ma' and press Ctrl-Space or Tab. RPG-Alive will fill in the subroutine name for you.
Use the dictionary to maintain a set of keywords, including RPGsp functions and RPG built-in functions, that you want RPG-Alive to auto-complete when you press Tab or Ctrl-Space. RPG operations are automatically auto-completed and do not need to be added to this list.
To change a keyword, first remove it and then add it again.
Allow Operation Select
Enables the Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down keys for scrolling through the available RPG operation codes. RPG-Alive allows you to scroll through and select operations by pressing the Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down keys while your cursor is on the operation. This could be useful in adjusting the outcome of Auto-Complete. For example, if you type 'Ex' followed by Ctrl-Space or Tab, RPG-Alive auto-completes ExFmt. However, if the operation you had in mind was ExSr, simply press Ctrl-Down to scroll to the next operation (ExSr).
Allow Column Positioning
Enables the Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, Ctrl-3, Ctrl-4, Ctrl-5, and Ctrl-6 keys. These keys position the cursor on Factor 1, Op Code, Factor 2, Result, Indicator, and Comment fields respectively.
Enable Auto-Correct
Automatically corrects the case of ILE operations and keywords. Auto-Correct will also correct the case of program work fields to match the case used in the definition specification.
Default Case
Sets the default case for auto-completing, selecting, and correcting ILE operations and keywords.
Restore Defaults
Pressing this button will reset all of RPGsp's coding assistance options to their default values.
Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925