with other servers
RPGsp can exchange
information with applications residing on other servers using the following methods:
- RPGsp applications
can serve as a web service generating XML output upon request.
- RPGsp applications
can retrieve information by Getting URL's, or send and receive information by
Posting to a URL using LIBHTTP API's.
- RPGsp can pass
and accept query string parameters. These are parameters passed as part of a
URL. They are similar to traditional iSeries program parameters.
- RPGsp can accept
POST data passed to it via HTTP headers.
- If the other server
is also resident on the iSeries, RPGsp can exchange information with it via database
files, data areas, etc. RPGsp can also call external iSeries programs and bind
to any ILE objects.
- RPGsp applications
can display other applications or be displayed by other applications via Server
Side Includes (SSI).
Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925