Page Designer Hot Keys
Command or Function | Hot Key |
Move one character to the right. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element one pixel to the right. | Right Arrow |
Move one character to the left. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element one pixel to the left. | Left Arrow |
Move down one line. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element down one pixel. | Down Arrow |
Move up one line. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element up one pixel. | Up Arrow |
Move right one word | Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Move left one word | Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Move to the end of the current line | End |
Move to the start of the current line | Home |
Move down one paragraph | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Move up one paragraph | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Move down one page | Page Down |
Move up one page | Page Up |
Move to the beginning of the document | Ctrl+Home |
Move to the end of the document | Ctrl+End |
Cycle selection through block-level elements | Tab |
Reverse-cycle selection through block-level elements | Shift+Tab |
Move to the next window in the IDE | Ctrl+Tab |
Move to the previous window in the IDE | Shift+Ctrl+Tab |
Command or Function | Hot Key |
Extend the selection one character to the right | Shift+Right Arrow |
Extend the selection one character to the left | Shift+Left Arrow |
Extend the selection right one word | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Extend the selection left one word | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Extend the selection up one line | Shift+Up Arrow |
Extend the selection down one line | Shift+Down Arrow |
Extend the selection to the end of the current line | Shift+End |
Extend the selection to the start of the current line | Shift+Home |
Extend the selection down one page | Shift+Page Down |
Extend the selection up one page | Shift+Page Up |
Extend the selection to the end of the document | Ctrl+Shift+End |
Extend the selection to the beginning of the document | Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Select all elements in the document | Ctrl+A |
Command or Function | Hot Key |
Delete the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the insertion point | Backspace |
Delete all of a word to the left of the insertion pointer, not including the space before | Ctrl+Backspace |
Copy the selection to the Clipboard | Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert |
Paste the contents of the Clipboard to the current location | Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert |
Cut the selection to the Clipboard | Ctrl+X |
Delete the selection without placing it on the Clipboard | Delete |
Toggle between inserting and overwriting text | Insert |
Undo the most recent formatting commands | Ctrl+Z |
Redo the most recently undone commands | Ctrl+Y |
Find text | Ctrl+F |
Display the context menu (equivalent to right-clicking the document) | Shift+F10 |
Display the Hyperlink dialog box (if applicable to current selection) | CTRL+L |
Toggle absolute positioning for the selected element (not applicable to Text and RPG variables) | CTRL+K |
Command or Function | Hot Key |
Toggle bold formatting | Ctrl+B |
Toggle italic formatting | Ctrl+I |
Toggle underlining | Ctrl+U |
Increase paragraph indent | Ctrl+T |
Decrease paragraph indent | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Command or Function | Hot Key |
Open document | Ctrl+O |
Save current document | Ctrl+S |
Print design | Ctrl+P |
Compile | F5 |
Launch in browser | Ctrl+F5 |
Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925