Page Designer Hot Keys



Command or Function Hot Key
Move one character to the right. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element one pixel to the right. Right Arrow
Move one character to the left. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element one pixel to the left. Left Arrow
Move down one line. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element down one pixel. Down Arrow
Move up one line. If an absolute element is selected, nudge the element up one pixel. Up Arrow
Move right one word Ctrl+Right Arrow
Move left one word Ctrl+Left Arrow
Move to the end of the current line End
Move to the start of the current line Home
Move down one paragraph Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move up one paragraph Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move down one page Page Down
Move up one page Page Up
Move to the beginning of the document Ctrl+Home
Move to the end of the document Ctrl+End
Cycle selection through block-level elements Tab
Reverse-cycle selection through block-level elements Shift+Tab
Move to the next window in the IDE Ctrl+Tab
Move to the previous window in the IDE Shift+Ctrl+Tab



Command or Function Hot Key
Extend the selection one character to the right Shift+Right Arrow
Extend the selection one character to the left Shift+Left Arrow
Extend the selection right one word Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow
Extend the selection left one word Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow
Extend the selection up one line Shift+Up Arrow
Extend the selection down one line Shift+Down Arrow
Extend the selection to the end of the current line Shift+End
Extend the selection to the start of the current line Shift+Home
Extend the selection down one page Shift+Page Down
Extend the selection up one page Shift+Page Up
Extend the selection to the end of the document Ctrl+Shift+End
Extend the selection to the beginning of the document Ctrl+Shift+Home
Select all elements in the document Ctrl+A



Command or Function Hot Key
Delete the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the insertion point Backspace
Delete all of a word to the left of the insertion pointer, not including the space before Ctrl+Backspace
Copy the selection to the Clipboard Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert
Paste the contents of the Clipboard to the current location Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
Cut the selection to the Clipboard Ctrl+X
Delete the selection without placing it on the Clipboard Delete
Toggle between inserting and overwriting text Insert
Undo the most recent formatting commands Ctrl+Z
Redo the most recently undone commands Ctrl+Y
Find text Ctrl+F
Display the context menu (equivalent to right-clicking the document) Shift+F10
Display the Hyperlink dialog box (if applicable to current selection) CTRL+L
Toggle absolute positioning for the selected element (not applicable to Text and RPG variables) CTRL+K



Command or Function Hot Key
Toggle bold formatting Ctrl+B
Toggle italic formatting Ctrl+I
Toggle underlining Ctrl+U
Increase paragraph indent Ctrl+T
Decrease paragraph indent Ctrl+Shift+T



Command or Function Hot Key
Open document Ctrl+O
Save current document Ctrl+S
Print design Ctrl+P
Compile F5
Launch in browser Ctrl+F5


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925