Cross-Referencing Line Numbers

An error message in the HTTP Server Job Log may refer to a specific line or statement number. However, you cannot rely on this number to match the lines in your RPGsp source for the following reasons:

Keeping this in mind, you must look at the compile listing to find out which line of code the error message is referring to. In the example below, the Job Log refers to statement 0000000060.

To find this statement, right-click the compiler window and select View Compile Listing. If the compile listing is not available, you must recompile. Do not select View Generated Source. The line numbers in the generated source might not match the line numbers in the compile listing.

Once the compile listing is shown, find the appropriate line number. In this case, the line number is 60.

You can then go back to the RPGsp source to correct the problem.


Profound Logic Software, Inc.
(937) 439-7925