RPG-Alive is a unique tool designed to save your company a tremendous amount of time in maintaining and developing IBM i (formerly known as iSeries or AS/400) applications. It magnifies the skills of RPG programmers. With minimal investment, your company can start developing better applications a lot faster!
RPG-Alive helps programmers analyze and program ILE RPG (RPG IV), RPG/400, CL, and DDS code without interrupting their normal Application Development Process. It does so by enhancing the existing IBM i development environment.
In addition to providing a sophisticated self-adjusting analysis of your programming code, RPG-Alive assists by visually illustrating the syntax of the RPG/400 or ILE RPG operation you are working with. This happens automatically as you edit existing code or write new code. Special function keys allow the user to navigate the cursor through the allowable fields of an operation, to lookup context-sensitive operation definitions, and to auto-complete (or simply select) operation codes, subprocedure/subroutine names, or special keywords.
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